Effective from 19th July, our Edinburgh office at 16 - 20 Castle Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AT, will be temporarily closed as we are in the process of relocating. During this period, there will be no staff at this office.

Please be assured that it is business as usual. You can continue to contact your solicitor by phone or email for any assistance or to discuss your case. We appreciate your understanding and are committed to ensuring that our services remain uninterrupted during this transition.

Compensation for Rehabilitation and Retraining Following an Amputation

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Helping you to recover

The loss of a limb can have severe implications for mobility, the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks and psychological well-being.

Following surgery, patients will undergo a period of rehabilitation therapy – this treatment will vary depending on the patient's health, level of amputation, and individual circumstances.

As amputation claim specialists Thompsons has secured significant sums of compensation for our clients in respect of amputation injuries that not only cover pain, suffering and loss of income, but also special damages to cover treatment costs, care costs and costs for equipment, prostheses, and home adaptations is required. Talk to Thompsons today.

The goal of rehabilitation

Specialist rehabilitation can be expensive, but it is Thompsons' aim to ensure clients receive the best and most appropriate care following an accident or incident which led to amputation.

The goal is always to enable the patient to regain the highest level of function and independence possible post-amputation – this includes physical, emotional and social well-being.

A comprehensive rehabilitation programme may include the following:

  • Wound healing treatments and care of the residual limb or stump
  • Exercise plans to support muscle strength, endurance and control
  • Improvement of motor skills to restore ability to carry out daily tasks and increase independence
  • Pain management
  • Fitting and training for the use of prosthetic limbs
  • Training in the use of assistive devices
  • Emotional support and counselling
  • Dietary and nutritional guidance
  • Vocational counselling and retraining
  • Planning adaptations for the home to assist with safety, function, access and mobility
  • Education for patient and the family.

Rehabilitation programmes will focus on maximising the patient's ability to reintegrate post-amputation, both at work and at home. Each programme of therapies will be tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

Talk to Thompsons

Private rehabilitation and dynamic prostheses are expensive to fund and while the NHS provides a fantastic range of therapies and equipment for free, these are unlikely to be as comprehensive or advanced as other treatments and equipment ranges.

Thompsons' specialist amputation claim solicitors will strive to ensure that, when appropriate, interim sums are sought to address immediate needs and to cover the cost of early treatments. We will also ensure that the ongoing claim reflects all aspects of maintaining your health and well-being, so that the final amputation compensation sum awarded can meet your needs and is the fairest possible outcome.

To find out more about making a claim for amputation injury compensation, contact Thompsons today on 0800 0891 331 or use our contact form to make an initial enquiry.

Frequently Asked Questions
Amputation Claim Case Study
Prostheses and Amputation Injury Compensation
Types of Compensation for Amputation Injury
Injured through no fault of your own?
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