Claims for Thoracic Spinal Injury

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Severe spinal injury in the mid-spine area

Spinal injuries are frequently severe or catastrophic and have the potential to not only affect sufferers but also their friends, families and communities . Even in cases where the injury is not catastrophic it can be life-changing in other ways – for example, it may lead to loss of limb function, reduced sensory impairment, impaired bladder and bowel function or sexual dysfunction.

Thompsons spinal injury claim solicitors in Scotland work to help injured parties achieve the fullest possible compensation for their injuries while at the same time helping them to negotiate the immediate practical and emotional fallout of an injury.

Understanding the location of the thoracic spine

The spine consists of 33 vertebrae which surround and protect the important nerve tissues of the spinal cord. Together with various muscles and ligaments the vertebrae act as the major support system for the upper body.

Spinal injuries are categorised on the basis of their location from the first vertebra (C1) down to the last (S5), as follows:

  • Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries – C1-C7
  • Thoracic Spinal Cord Injuries – T1-T12
  • Lumbar Spinal Cord Injuries – L1-L5
  • Sacral Spinal Injuries – S1-S5

Thoracic Spinal Cord Injuries – T1-T12

If damage occurs to the spinal cord and/or vertebrae in the region of the thoracic spinal cord this may result in impairment of the function of the abdominal and lower back muscles. There may be also some loss of bowel and bladder function as well as loss of motor function in the lower limbs.

The thoracic spine in detail

The thoracic spine is situated in the upper and middle part of the back, immediately below the cervical spine and above the lumbar spine. It is made up of 12 vertebrae.

T1-T5 nerves control the muscles in the abdominal mid-back and chest muscles. As these help control the diaphragm and lungs, they play an important role in respiratory function. Lower down the thoracic spine, T6-T12 play further roles in the back and abdomen function, particularly in relation to coughing, balance and core strength.

Injuries to particular vertebrae often correspond with loss of a particular function. In the case of the thoracic spine, this can be summarised as follows:

  • T1: Impairment of hands and fingers
  • T2–T5: Impairment of chest muscles
  • T6–T8: Impairment of chest and abdominal muscles
  • T9–T12: Impairment of abdominal muscles

The prognosis for those with thoracic spinal injuries can be very positive. However, the higher the point of injury the more severe it is likely to be. As such a T1 injury is likely to lead to a more severe loss of independence.

In most cases, injured parties can, with the right support, treatment, rehabilitation and modifications, live largely independent lives – for example, with the use of a modified wheelchair or manual wheelchair.

How do thoracic spinal cord injuries occur?

Spine and spinal cord damage can occur in many types accident and accident setting. However, the thoracic spinal injury claims most commonly handled by Thompsons' solicitors involve the following:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Cycling accidents
  • Falls from height
  • Slips and trips
  • Accidents in the workplace
  • Sports accidents

Talk to Thompsons for spinal injury claims

The personal injury solicitors at Thompsons are here to help you with all aspects of a spinal injury claim, including securing sums for the following:

  • Home and car adaptations
  • Lost earnings
  • Expenses
  • Transport
  • Medical equipment
  • Healthcare, including private rehabilitation and therapy

When appropriate, we also strive to secure interim compensation for your most pressing needs, including specialist equipment, home adaptations, care and rehabilitation.

Contact Thompsons team of spinal injury solicitors today to see if we could help you make a claim. Call us on 0800 0891 331 or fill in our contact form so we can discuss your options.

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