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COVID-19 Case Types Being Handled by Thompsons

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Sadly, many lives have been affected by COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic. Many people have lost loved ones, or they have become ill themselves.

The effects of COVID-19 can be devastating. Here at Thompsons we are helping individuals who have suffered as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and below we briefly describe some of the types of COVID-19 cases we are currently handling.

Employee claim

Our client is a paramedic who was provided with limited training during the early stages of the pandemic. On the day of his likely exposure, no mask was available for him to use. He was told he was attending a stroke victim but incorrect information seemed to have been taken and when he attended, the patient had COVID-19 symptoms including high temperature and breathlessness.

The patient’s family told the paramedic responders that they had informed the call handler of their recent return from abroad but this information had not been passed on to our client to make him more aware of the COVID risk. Following the call out, our client was told to self isolate and it was later confirmed the patient had tested positive for COVID-19.

A few days following the call out, our client developed a cough and high temperature then tested positive for COVID-19. Despite having no underlying health conditions, he became very fatigued, lost weight and suffered gastric symptoms. His fitness has decreased and he has developed heart problems which will require surgery.

Patient claim

Prior to the first national lockdown, our elderly client was taken to hospital following a fall. When admitted he did not have COVID symptoms.

His stay in hospital lasted several weeks before he was transferred to another hospital for further treatment. After the transfer, our client’s family were informed he had tested positive for COVID-19. They were told that several patients in the ward had also tested positive for COVID-19 and staff had also been affected.

At this time, some limited visiting was still being allowed on the ward and while PPE was being issued to staff and visitors, it was said that the PPE wasn’t effective in halting the spread of coronavirus. Our client died approximately two weeks after testing positive.

Resident claim

Our client suffered from dementia but had been living at home until March when, due to a deterioration in her condition, she needed to be moved into a care home.

A home was sourced through a social worker and our client was moved into the home on 23 March (the day the UK first went into a lockdown situation). The family was initially told they would be able to visit but on the day our client was admitted they were told visits would not be possible.

They then found out the home had been in lockdown from 13 March so it is unclear why our client was admitted during that time. Our client developed symptoms of fatigue within the first week. She was taken to hospital a month after her move to the care home. In hospital, she tested positive for COVID-19.

The family later found out there had been a number of confirmed COVID-19 cases at the care home. In hospital, our client developed respiratory symptoms and lethargy, she later developed pneumonia and was given end-of-life care. She died in June.

Family claim

Our client’s wife was a nurse in a hospital. She raised concerns about PPE shortages at the start of the pandemic. She also reported being given only basic training on how to deal with coronavirus patients and had observed that there was inadequate staffing for dealing with COVID patients.

Despite her anxiety and complaints made to senior members of staff, our client's wife was required to work in a COVID ward, and after only a few shifts she began to feel unwell. She self-isolated as soon as her COVID symptoms became apparent, staying upstairs in her house, while our client stayed downstairs, just taking her meals to her. They limited contact during the isolation period.

Our client's wife tested positive for COVID-19 and developed severe symptoms. She was admitted to hospital approximately a week after her positive test. She died just over a week later.

While his wife was in hospital, our client’s health also deteriorated. He suffered breathlessness and was admitted to hospital just a few days after his wife's death. He was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and pneumonia which may result in permanent damage to his lungs, as well as nerve damage in his muscles. Prior to this situation, our client had no underlying health conditions.

Making a COVID-19 compensation claim

Thompsons Solicitors in Scotland are here to assist you if you have been affected by coronavirus, COVID-19, or Long Covid through no fault of your own. Employers, hospitals, care homes and anyone who owes you a duty of care should be protecting you from risk both in the way they work and how they look after you.

To find out more about making a COVID-19 compensation claim, click through to our "Can I make a claim?" page, where you will find answers to some of the most pertinent questions relating to coronavirus and COVID-19 claims.

Alternatively, call 0800 0891 331 so we can talk to you right now or fill in our online claim form, by using the green button below, so we can call you back to discuss your circumstances.


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