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Women who received PIP silicone breast implants made by the now defunct French company, Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP), have been advised that a group register for the class action has now opened.

Patrick McGuire, PartnerUK victims of the PIP scandal have grouped together to enter a Group Litigation Order – a type of class action – which is proceeding in England.

The register will allow victims to formally register their claim for compensation.

Thompsons Solicitors have contacted their clients to inform them of this development, and to advise that victims of the scandal who paid for their original operation via credit card can alternatively launch a claim under consumer credit laws.

Spokeswoman for the PiP Implants Scotland campaign group, Trisha Devine, said:

“I’m delighted that we’re now seeing some real movement on this.”

Late last month the official body responsible for regulating healthcare products in the UK made public its research into the toxicity of the controversial PIP implants. The research shows a toxic cocktail of chemicals used to fill the implants – including substances normally contained in superglue, petrol and hairspray products, as well as nail varnish remover and paint thinners.

Trisha continues:

“The past few months have been very difficult for all the women involved in the campaign group, but we’ve supported each other and we’re stronger than ever.

“Our lives have been turned upside down. Nothing will ever be the same again, but the fact that we have two possible legal avenues to go down gives us great hope that we’ll get the justice we deserve.”

The legal development was announced as the Department of Health confirmed that it will launch an expert panel to look at the best ways to protect patients having cosmetic surgery procedures.

The call for evidence will be launched today and will invite members of the public to submit their comments and information before the review closes on 15 October 2012.

Jenny Brown, member of the campaign group and PIP victim, comments:

“I’m pleased that the Department of Health will get a chance to hear the real voices that need to be heard.

“The campaign group is a close-knit community, and having read and listened to the personal experiences of these women, it’s clear that PIP victims across the UK share the same concerns about the set-up, regulation and response of private clinics and NHS in terms of cosmetic surgery.”

“I’m looking forward to submitting my concerns to this research and will be very interested to read its conclusions and recommendations.”Lawyer for the victims and partner at Thompsons Solicitors, Patrick McGuire, comments:

“The call for evidence follows Sir Bruce Keogh’s review of the regulation of cosmetic surgery procedures and indicates that the Government is finally beginning to take notice of the victims of this scandal.

“The Group Litigation Order is now open for claims to be registered, and this is welcome news. We are carefully reviewing our clients’ options and are considering whether joining the Group Litigation Order would be in their best interests.

“The PIP implants scandal has devastated these women’s lives, but the campaign group is exceptionally firm in its resolve to gain justice and to ensure the regulatory landscape is changed so this disaster can never happen again.

“I’d urge all victims of the PiP scandal to seek legal advice to find out their rights. Anyone affected should call us free on 0800 081 1331”



  • To arrange further comments from Trisha Devine, Jenny Brown and/or Patrick McGuire, contact Tim Weir on 07974 262 997
  • The Department of Health’s call for evidence will be open for two months, until 15 October. Details will appear on www.dh.gov.uk/publichealth  today (Wednesday).
  • Link to MHRA documents on toxicity research: http://www.mhra.gov.uk/NewsCentre/CON175466



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