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Tesco Slip Accident Case Study

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Our client, Mrs Sharon MacKay, a 51-year-old woman from Glasgow, contacted us via her husband's union, ASLEF, as a result of a slip accident she suffered in a Tesco car park on 23 January 2019.

The background

This client visited Tesco, St Rollox, Glasgow on the afternoon of 23 January when, after exiting her car, she slipped on ice and fell to the ground in the car park. She was attended by two passers-by and then, inside the store, by a first-aider from Tesco staff who inspected her injuries and reported the accident.

The next day, Mrs MacKay woke with severe pain and bruising in her left leg and hand. She attended the minor injuries unit at Stobhill Hospital where she was told she had not broken any bones but had incurred bruising. The hospital provided Mrs MacKay with a support for her arm.

The settlement

Mrs Mackay continued to experience pain and discomfort for some time after the accident and had particular trouble driving as she found it difficult to shift gears with her left hand.

Thompsons personal injury claim solicitors intimated a compensation claim against Tesco who admitted liability and offered £1,500 in settlement. The offer was accepted on the instructions of Mrs MacKay and settlement was made on 6 August 2019.

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