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Lotto BlogSo the price of that castle in the sky you’ve always wanted has just DOUBLED. It’s achingly depressing to know that even your dreams are now subject to the pressures of inflation. 

Once autumn arrives, and if you fancy throwing some money at a (very remote) chance of winning a fortune, it’ll now involve parting with £2 of your hard-earned cash per line.

Lotto charities, who currently receive just 28 per cent of Camelot’s takings, say they are reassured it will increase the money they receive. The cynic in me can’t help but think that our dressage teams need more money – maybe that’s why we’re finding horsemeat in our supermarkets these days. If you bite into a burger and crack your teeth on an Olympic medal, let me know so that I can talk about how prophetic this blog of mine truly is/was/forever shall be.

Lotto players (and I don’t know why we’re referred to as ‘players’ since we’re not ‘playing’ anything –we’re just sitting at home on our couch, waiting to swear, screw up a piece of pink paper and throw it at the cat) will mump and moan, but Camelot knows what George Orwell knew when he wrote 1984:

“The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention […] It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory.”

Doubtless we will still ‘play’ the occasional game, and we will complain about unfair and underhand tactics, but really we only have ourselves to blame. The Lotto isn’t a tax – it’s a choice. We can't be bothered to do anything about increases to personal taxation, rail fares, and the like, but woe betides the politician who allows the price of the Lotto to rise!

Six paragraphs in and no bad puns? No crow-barring of Thompsons’ Private Client legal services either? Has the World stopped spinning? Chillax, fella. Have no fear…

Save yourself a Lotto bother – if you want to ensure you can enjoy a life of leisure, why not get your personal affairs in order? Thompsons can help you to get all those niggling personal matters tied up so you can focus on enjoying your life.

Need a Will drafted? No problem. Want to create a Power of Attorney? Sorted. How about getting your cheeky mortgage discharged? Easy. Want someone to tell you just what a Living Will is? We’re all over that like China on internet censorship.  

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