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Anyone who is currently enthralled with Game of Thrones knows Kings Landing is filled with skilled Warriors, Maesters, Cooks, Blacksmiths and Sorcerers.

There is, however, a distinct lack of Health and Safety Experts, and therefore unsurprisingly a very high death count. If only the Maesters were taught risk assessment at the Citadel…


Avoidable Death Risks Highlighted Control Measure
Robert Baratheon being wounded by a wild boar
  • Friendly fire
  • Danger from animals attacking
  • Increased likelihood of the above where alcohol consumed
  • No Alcohol on the hunt
  • Hunt Master appointed to co-ordinate the group
King Joffrey being poisoned
  • Assassination attempts via poison
  • Assassination attempts from close quarters including knives
  • Assignation attempts from long range, arrows
  • Food taster employed to check the king’s food and wine is not poisoned.
  • Kings Guard to ensure nobody within 1M of King
  • All rooftops within 50m cleared in advance of King’s arrival
Lysa Arryn being pushed out moon door by Littlefinger
  • Falling down the Moon Door
If only the work at Height Regulations had been in force back then the Moon Door would have been paved over well in advance of this mishap.
Oberyn Martell’s skull being crushed by the Mountain in a trial by combat
  • Penetrative wound to body
  • Injury to head
  • Being distracted by playing to the crowd
  • Wear armour
  • Wear helmet
  • No gloating
Areo Hotah - Stabbed in the back by Tyene, one of the Sand Snakes
  • Encountering multiple enemies on your own whilst travelling
  • Training to fight multiple enemies
  • Double manning
Balon Greyjoy being thrown from a bridge by his brother, Euron Greyjoy Fall from height/Thrown from height to certain death If only the Occupiers Liability Westeros Act had been passed the bridge would have had suitable railings and a safety net below and we wouldn’t have to put up with Balon’s smug face as King of the Iron Isles
High Sparrow & Tyrells killed in Wild Fire Explosion Wild fire stash exploding causing mass death

Wildfire used in an attack
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations would have dictated wild fire was not stored and was not kept anywhere near Kings Landing thus avoiding a lot of death. Though doubtful Cersei would have paid any heed to them.
Ramsay Bolton being eaten by his hounds Being devoured by the hungry hounds.
  • Feed them regularly and take care of them
  • Don’t let dangerous people have dangerous dogs – licencing regime
John Snow
  • Assassination by fellow nights watch
  • Assassination attempt by a long list of people
  • Attack of the Army of the dead
  • Hypothermia
  • More armour and have guards
  • Build bigger wall
  • Wear more clothes
…. OR just have Melisandre around to bring you back to life

 Blog by Alan Calderwood, accident lawyer Edinburgh

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