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Despite what members of the Cabinet and the media would have us believe regarding the apparent epidemic of whiplash claims, figures have been released by the Government’s Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) which demonstrates that the number of whiplash claims is falling.

The CRU has released figures which show that claims for whiplash have fallen by almost 24,000 in the past year. In addition the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has released results of an independent survey of 4,000 people from June to August 2012 which was commissioned by them. This survey highlighted that only 1 in 100 people suffered from whiplash last year and almost 40 per cent of people who have suffered whiplash as a result of a road traffic accident have not claimed compensation for it.

Further to this the surveys busted other myths surrounding whiplash claims: almost 30 per cent of claims are encouraged by insurers themselves; 80 per cent of sufferers report their symptoms accurately or underplay their symptoms; 90 per cent of sufferers are diagnosed by a medical professionals; and one in five sufferers suffer symptoms for more than one year.

It appears also that newer, safer cars may have to share a proportion of the blame for a rise in minor injuries. This is not however a criticism. Surveys have found that new cars are better made and as a result fatalities have greatly reduced. Minor injured are however increased due to a higher relative transfer of energy. In addition the seat belt legislation, which again must not be criticised, has meant that many who would have perhaps suffered severe or fatal injury are now suffering from whiplash associated with wearing their seatbelt.

What is clear from the survey and figures is that not everyone who is genuinely suffering from whiplash is making a claim that they are entitled to make and that many are put off pursuing claims for the fear of being placed into the same category as those who are claiming fraudulently. Fraudulent pursuer’s are firmly in the minority and if Solicitors, insurers and other professions involved work together could be stamped out almost entirely.

Anyone who has suffered in this way can make a claim through Thompsons as award winning personal injury solicitors and should not be deterred by the sensationalist media instigated by the Government. Claims through Thompsons are independent of insurance companies and medical evidence will be obtained in support of claims which demonstrate the genuine nature of these claims.

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