There are more vehicles on our roads than ever these days and as a result there are more and more road traffic accidents occurring every day! Unfortunately road traffic accidents happen and it has been estimated that 1 in 3 people who die as a result of injuries sustained in a road traffic accident are not wearing a seatbelt.
Recent police figures have revealed that on average 27,000 drivers are caught every year not wearing their seatbelt and have stated this is unacceptable, the police are concerned that some people are not only putting their own lives at risk but they are also putting the lives of their children at risk by allowing them to travel unrestrained!
It amazes me that people are still driving in their cars without a seatbelt, evidence has clearly shown that seatbelts save lives and should be used at all times even for the shortest of journeys. Thompsons accident compensation solicitors frequently see the devastating impact injuries sustained in road traffic accidents can have on people’s everyday lives, unfortunately not one of the clients Thompsons has helped over the years were aware when they got in their car they were going to be involved in a road traffic accident and suffer personal injuries due to that accident. Fortunately they turned to Thompsons who helped them get the medical treatment they needed to help them fully recover from their injuries and obtained the maximum compensation they deserved.
I’ve been lucky enough not to be involved in a road traffic accident. The first thing I do when I get in my car is put my seatbelt on, I don’t even think about it, its second nature to me. My advice is that everyone should always wear their seatbelt. Apart from the fact that it is against the law not to, but also if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident, you will have the best chance of avoiding or minimising your personal injuries.Do you always wear a seatbelt?