Ever since I started reading about the possibility of driving an uncrashable car I have been reading about the subject with great interest and I have been asking my friends what they think. I am happy to see any ideas which will make the roads a safer place and prevent road traffic accidents. I think that the rate that technology is advancing is fantastic and cannot wait to see what the inventors come up with. However some of my friends seem to think that having a car which doesn’t crash is a really bad idea!!
Some people have said to me that it would be really boring to drive a car that does not allow the driver to take any initiative over driving. Some people love driving and the thought of driving a robot car too many is just plain boring! I have also been told that many drivers might take bigger risks because they think that they are in a safer vehicle. However I thought that the uncrashable cars would prevent people from being able to take these risks in the first place.
It seems that the scientists and inventors have also thought about this and in addition to the new super vehicles they are recommending better driver training, plus improved road design and car support systems.
From my research on the internet I have found that the volvo team don’t really want to see robotic cars either and they would prefer that the driver is at the centre of the decision making process. They want to encourage better skills, better habits and better attitudes, as they believe attentive, active drivers are absolutely necessary if they are to achieve their goal of zero accidents.