All car drivers and passengers are obliged to wear seat belts for their security and protection in a case of a car accident. This refers to pregnant women as well.
It is certain that by wearing a seat belt serious consequences of car accidents can be prevented, however, many pregnant women are reluctant to wear seat belts and this is fear is not completely irrational.
While wearing a seat belt gives clear benefits for the mother, the benefits for the unborn child are less certain. There are cases, where in a car accident the mother survives, but the unborn child does not due to the lapstrap moving upwards and bruising mother’s abdomen.
Even though the fear of wearing a seatbelt is not completely irrational, not wearing it is just as dangerous, as it poses threat to the life of the mother and this also constitutes a threat to the life of the child. It is important, therefore, that the seat belts are used and that they are worn above and below the pregnant abdomen to prevent injuries to the foetus.