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We don’t just use the phrase ‘Talk to Thompsons’ we truly believe it is good to talk.  Which is why we have launched the Talk to Thompsons podcast and thank you for joining us in our discussion today.

It’s been a while since our last episode of Talk to Thompsons and there have been a few changes.  Firstly, this episode is hosted by Hazel Berryman from our marketing team with a more open discussion between our guests.


This week we’re joined by Partner Patrick McGuire, Janine Rennie & Sandra Toyer from Wellbeing Scotland, Anne MacDonald from In Care Survivor Service Scotland and two Survivors of historic abuse Yvonne & Tommy to discuss the relationship between Thompsons and these incredible Survivors’ charities and the concerns we all have surrounding the Scottish Government’s Redress Bill.  

Our partnerships with both Wellbeing Scotland and In Care Survivors Service Scotland are vital to everyone involved, as will be explained in this episode, we support these charities by offering legal support to their Survivor Clients and Wellbeing offers our Survivors’ Team of solicitors with training to allow them to serve these clients with a trauma informed approach.

And discussing the Scottish Government’s Redress Bill, we speak about how the intentions of the scheme may not be as beneficial for Survivors as hoped and the concerns of the charities, Survivors’ themselves and we have about what it means for them.

If you feel anything discussed today is relevant to you and would like to speak to someone about this, our team are specially trained Trauma Informed solicitors who treat all enquiries with the strictest of confidence. If you require their assistance, please contact us on 0800 0891 331.

Today’s guests:

Hazel Berryman – Hazel is our digital marketing executive and is most usually found behind the screen putting together the podcast and content for our other digital channels.

Patrick McGuire – Patrick is a senior Partner at Thompsons and is an expert in personal injury and has been regarded as an expert in public inquires, most notably for his work in bringing about investigation in to Celtic Boys Club historic abuse claims.

Janine Rennie – Janine is Chief Executive of Wellbeing Scotland, offering support to Survivors of historic abuse and actively campaigns for Survivors’ right to justice.

Sandra Toyer – Sandra is Operational Manager at Wellbeing Scotland and is a qualified Trauma Therapist. She works closely with survivors, working to empower them.

Anne MacDonald – Anne runs In Care Survivors Service Scotland, working closely with Wellbeing and advocates for survivors voices to he heard and understood, as well as vice chairing the Cross Party group on Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Tommy & Yvonne – Both Tommy and Yvonne are Survivors of historic abuse as children and bravely speak to us today about their experiences and their feelings about the Redress Bill.  Both are active campaigners for Survivors’ rights to justice and work closely with Wellbeing Scotland and work to help others in similar situations to themselves.

More information on the Scottish Government’s Redress Bill can be found here: https://www.gov.scot/news/redress-for-survivors-bill-published

If you have any questions you would like us to answer on an upcoming episode, please email these to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And for any legal advice or queries you have, Talk to Thompsons – 08000891 331 or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All information included in todays podcast is correct as of time of recording, week commencing 5th November 2020.  Please be aware the Bill implementation is ongoing and as such  quickly evolving, regulations and advice are subject to change and you should always refer to the most recent publications.


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