Today marks the 29th anniversary of the Piper Alpha Disaster which saw 167 offshore workers lose their lives following a tragic accident after an oil and gas platform experienced a number of catastrophic fires and explosions.
The incident, occurring in the North Sea just off the coast of Aberdeen, is said to have been the deadliest oil rig accident to date. Days like today remind us all of the importance of the need for rigorous health and safety protections to be provided to employees.
The incident was subject to a lengthy Public Inquiry, conducted by Lord Cullen, which uncovered widespread and serious safety failures by the operators of the platform. The cause of the explosions, and subsequent fires, was found to be as a result of maintenance work being carried out simultaneously on a pump and related safety valve. While this work was being carried out, the platform continued to produce oil.
The Public Inquiry was very critical of the operators of Piper Alpha, Occidental, due to their inadequate safety procedures. In a report published by Lord Cullen following the Inquiry (Cullen Report), 106 recommendations for changes to the safety procedures in the North Sea were made. These changes were all adopted by the oil industry. This resulted in the enactment of the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 1992. The changes brought in by these regulations brought about a massive overhaul in offshore safety. Following implantation of the recommendations of the Cullen Report, fatalities drastically decreased and continue to drop to this day.
Since the tragic event of the 6th July 1988, trade unions and the families of those affected tirelessly campaigned to improve the working conditions of those on platforms in the North Sea. Despite this, offshore working remains a hazardous environment for employees today. It is essential that adequate procedures are in place to ensure that an incident such as this one never occurs again.
Almost 30 years on from this disaster we would ask that a few moments are taken to reflect on the incident and all of those affected by the tragedy. The lessons of the Alpha Piper disaster should never be forgotten and the health and safety of workers should never be compromised.
Take a moment to reflect those affected:
Ian Geddes ANDERSON, dual service operator
John ANDERSON, catering manager
Mark David ASHTON, trainee technician/cleaner
Wilson Crawford A BAIN, valve technician
Barry Charles BARBER, diving consultant
Craig Alexander BARCLAY, welder
Alan BARR, Electrical technician
Brian Philip BATCHELOR, seaman
Amabile Alexander BORG, non-destructive tester
Hugh Wallace BRACKENRIDGE, roustabout
Alexander Ross Colvin BREMNER, production operator
Eric Roland Paul BRIANCHON, technician
Hugh BRISTON, scaffolder
Henry BROWN, welder
Stephen BROWN, assistant chef/baker
Gordon Craib BRUCE, helicopter landing officer
James BRUCE, logger
Carl William BUSSE, directional drilling supervisor
David CAMPBELL, cleaner
David Allen CAMPBELL, scaffolder
Alexander Watt CARGILL, electrician
Robert CARROLL, safety operator
Alan CARTER, lead production operator
Robert CLELAND, derrickman
Stephen Colin COLE, radio officer
Hugh CONNOR, instrument technician/lecturer
John Edward Sherry COOKE, Plater
John Thomas COOPER, Instrument Technician
William Nunn COUTTS, Chef
William John COWIE, Steward
Michael John COX, Scaffolder
Alan Irvin CRADDOCK, Drilling Supervisor
Edward John CROWDEN, Electrical Technician
Bernard CURTIS, Deputy Production Superintendent
Jose Hipolito DA SILVA, Steward
John Stephen DAWSON, Telecom Engineer
Eric DEVERELL, Production Clerk
Alexander DUNCAN, Steward
Charles Edward DUNCAN, Floorman
Eric DUNCAN, Drilling Materials Man
John DUNCAN, Engineer
Thomas Irvine DUNCAN, Roustabout
William David DUNCAN, Crane Operator
David Alan ELLIS, Steward
Douglas Newlands FINDLAY, Supervisor Mechanic
Harold Edward George FLOOK, Production Operator
George FOWLER, Electrical Technician
Alexander Park FREW, Plater
Samuel Queen GALLACHER, Pipe Fitter
Miguel GALVEZ-ESTEVEZ, Assistant Chef
Ernest GIBSON, Mud Engineer
Albert Stuart GILL, Roustabout
Ian GILLANDERS, Instrument Pipe Fitter
Kevin Barry GILLIGAN, Steward
Shaun GLENDINNING, Painter
John Edward Thomas GOLDTHORP, Motorman
Stephen Robert GOODWIN, Geologist
James Edward Gray GORDON, Floorman
David Lee GORMAN, Safety Operator
Kenneth GRAHAM, Mechanical Technician
Peter John GRANT, Production Operator
Cyril James GRAY, Safety Operator
Harold Eugene Joseph GREEN, Rigger
Michael John GROVES, Production Operator
John HACKETT, Electrical Technician
Ian HAY, Steward
Thomas Albert HAYES, Rigging Supervisor
James HEGGIE, Production Services Superintendent
David William HENDERSON, Lead Floorman
Philip Robert HOUSTON, Geologist
Duncan JENNINGS, Geologist
Jeffrey Grant JONES, Assistant Driller
Christopher KAVANAGH, Plater
William Howat KELLY, Electrical Technician
John Brian KIRBY, Production Operator
Stuart Gordon Charles KNOX, Roustabout
Alexander Rodger LAING, Steward
Terence Michael LARGUE, Scaffolder
Graham LAWRIE, Roustabout
Findlay Wallace LEGGAT, Scaffolder
Brian LITHGOW, Photographic Technician
Robert Rodger LITTLEJOHN, Pipe Fitter
Martin George LONGSTAFFE, Logger
William Raymond MAHONEY, Steward
John Morrison MARTIN, Rigger
Sidney Ian McBOYLE, Motorman
Robert Borland McCALL, Chief Electrician
James McCULLOCH, HVAC Technician
Alistair James McDONALD, Mechanical Technician
Alexander McELWEE, Plater
Thomas O’Neil McEWAN, Electrical Chargehand
William George McGREGOR, Leading Steward
Frederick Thomas Summers McGURK, Rigger
William Hugh McINTOSH, Floorman
Gordon McKAY, Valve Technician
Charles Edward McLAUGHLIN, Electrician
Neil Stuart Ross McLEOD, Quality Assurance Inspector
Francis McPAKE, Steel Erector/Rigger
David Allison McWHINNIE, Production Operator
Dugald McLean McWILLIAMS, Welder
Carl MEARNS, Rigger
Derek Klement Michael MILLAR, Supervisor
Alan David MILLER, Industrial Chemist
Frank MILLER, Scaffolder
John Hector MOLLOY, Engineer
Leslie James MORRIS, Platform Superintendent
Bruce Alexander Ferguson MUNRO, Floorman
George Fagan MURRAY, Steward
James Cowie NIVEN, Roustabout
Graham Sim NOBLE, Materials Man
Michael O’SHEA, Electrician
Robert Rennie PEARSTON, Mechanic
Ian PIPER, Motorman
Wasyl POCHRYBNIAK, Lead Roustabout
Raymond Leslie PRICE, Production Operator
Neil PYMAN, Engineer
Terence Stephen QUINN, Service Engineer
William Wallace RAEBURN, Maintenance Controller
Donald REID, Chargehand Engineer
Robert Welsh REID, Roustabout
Gordon MacAlonan RENNIE, Process Operator
Robert Miller RICHARD, Production Operator
Alan RIDDOCH, Steward
Adrian Peter ROBERTS, Roughneck
Alexander James ROBERTSON, Lead Production Technician
Donald Nicholson ROBERTSON, Mechanical Technician
Gary ROSS, Roustabout
Michael Hector RYAN, Roustabout
Stanley SANGSTER, Foreman Scaffolder
James John Dearn SAVAGE, Electrical Technician
Michael Hugh Brodie SCORGIE, Lead Foreman
William Alexander SCORGIE, Pipe Fitter
John Francis SCOTT, Scaffolder
Colin Denis SEATON, Offshore Installation Manager
Robert Hendry SELBIE, Turbo Drill Engineer
Michael Jeffrey SERINK, Logger
Michael Bernard SHORT, Foreman Rigger
Richard Valentine SKINNER, Assistant Driller
William Hamilton SMITH, Maintenance Lead Hand
James SPEIRS, Mechanical Technician
Kenneth Stuart STEPHENSON, Rigger
Thomas Cunningham Boswell STIRLING, Cleaner
Malcolm John STOREY, Seaman
James Campbell STOTT, plumber
Jurgen Tilo STWERKA, research chemist
Stuart Douglas SUTHERLAND, student/cleaner
Terrence John SUTTON, mechanical fitter
Alexander Ronald TAYLOR, roustabout
Alistair Adam THOMPSON, telecom engineer
Robert Argo VERNON, production operator
John Edward WAKEFIELD, instrument technician
Michael Andrew WALKER, technician
Bryan Thomas WARD, rigger
Gareth Hopson WATKIN, offshore medical attendant
Francis John WATSON head chef
Alexander WHIBLEY, roustabout
Kevan Dennis WHITE, maintenance supervisor
Robert WHITELEY, roustabout
Graham Gill WHYTE, aerial rigger
James Gilbert WHYTE, aerial rigger
Alan WICKS, safety supervisor
Paul Charles Ferguson WILLIAMSON, floorman
David WISER, survey technician
John Richard WOODCOCK, technical clerk