Common Personal Injury Claims

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Perhaps you were injured falling from a ladder at work? Perhaps you sustained an uncomfortable and disabling whiplash injury in a car accident? Perhaps your mother broke her arm tripping outside the library? Or maybe your husband caught MRSA in hospital? The types of claim that Thompsons' personal injury solicitors in Scotland can assist you with are wide-ranging and cover many different situations.

How is personal injury compensation worked out?

The amount of compensation awarded for personal injury depends entirely on the circumstances of each individual case. For example, how badly you were injured, how much – if at all – you were responsible for the accident, how much you have incurred in medical expenses, or how much the injury will affect your job prospects in the future.

The aspects of a compensation claim award are broken down into two main components as follows:

  • Special damages: Also known as patrimonial loss, this covers financial losses that can be measured – for example, medical expenses, transport costs, lost earnings or the cost of specialist equipment.
  • General damages: Also known as solatium, this covers the costs of aspects of your injury and accident experience that cannot be conclusively measured – for example, the pain the injury has caused and any loss of physical and mental capacity, as well as the trauma of the accident and its ongoing psychological repercussions.

Common Personal Injuries

Below is a list of links that will take you to information about claims for specific types of injury.

High Value and Complex Claims

As well as working on claims for the full range of more common personal injuries, Thompsons Solicitors has forged a reputation for representing clients whose claims are complex and, typically, involve high-value awards.

These types of claims include the following:

Furthermore, whenever appropriate, we make it a priority to seek interim compensation sums if the client has pressing financial, medical, care or other practical needs.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims

Our No Win No Fee funding model ensures that you won't have to spend a penny to fund the cost of your claim if your case is unsuccessful. We make it a priority to protect you from financial worry.

Our No Win No Fee funding model provides the following assurances:

  • Guaranteed – Protection from the financial risk of losing your case.
  • Guaranteed – The costs of running your case are covered and you will not be asked to contribute until its successful resolution.
  • Guaranteed – No legal fees if you lose.
  • Guaranteed – You only ever pay a pre-agreed percentage if you win.

Access All Scotland

Wherever you are in Scotland, we can help you make a claim for personal injury. We have offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Peebles and Galashiels and can make home visits as and when necessary. We have the whole of Scotland covered to ensure that you have complete access to justice.

Thompsons – Personal Injury Solicitors in Scotland

Personal injury is a complicated area of the law and while it might seem a big step to contact lawyers, personal injury claims are an important legal right and should not be neglected or underestimated. Our personal injury lawyers will be happy to advise you and are dedicated to recovering the maximum compensation for each claimant, in the shortest possible time. We win more than 90% of the cases we take on and each week secure around £1 million in compensation for our clients.

Thompsons Solicitors are experts in all personal injury matters. Our injury lawyers will be happy to talk you through the process of making a compensation claim and to answer any questions or queries you may have.

Start your compensation claim now. Call us on 0800 0891 331 for No Win No Fee help and advice.

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